
This is something I never knew about until I went through my YouTube recommended at 2am. Reborns are essentially hyper realistic versions of dolls. These are made for majorly older women who can't have children, children passed, or are grandmother's and want a baby to look after. They sell from about $80 to over $500 depending on how good you want the reborn to look. This is similar to mannequins as they are imitating life, however there's almost little uncanny feelings present. They look like precious little babies and are altered to have things such as a heartbeat, heater for body warmth, and even fixed to have a babies floppy head. It's still uncanny in the way that they aren't living it's hard to tell unless you held it. I think it's interesting that these weren't intended for toddlers to play with. They're made to help grieving or longing for their grandchild. The people who make these reborns spend hours and days making these dolls look as realistic as possible. They even take pictures of their loved one to copy. It's almost like cloning their past babies body and trying to capture their spirit in it's aesthetic. Uncanny doesn't always have to be a bad creepy, it can be for good like these reborns.


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