The movie Us is another movie I want to write about because of the literal doubles within the movie. It's essentially about a little girl at a fair seeing her doppelganger in a house of mirrors and her life after that. As the movie progresses we learn that their is a whole underground society of doubles that rises and kills their clone. At the end we learn the protagonist was actually from the underground and she switched with her above ground double in the house of mirrors. I think this movie mocks the idea of clones and how one life isn't more important than the other even if they are carbon copies of each other. The underground clones are still living beings who did not choose to be there. I think it also mocks the government in a way that they make poor choices and try to control us. They tried to cover up the underground and forget about it rather than fixing their mistake. It may seem harsh for the clones to murder their above ground doubles but it's hard to blame them. They were forced to live in solitude and eat raw rabbits to survive, all to watch their above double live their lives.
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